2020 Master Builders Building Excellence Awards

Perkins Builders are proud to announce our success at the 2020 Master Builders Association of Western Australia South West Building Excellence Awards; our projects won four awards and one a finalist for Best Regional Project (Commercial).

Thank you to all our staff, our valued subcontractors and suppliers for their hard work and dedication; for enabling such a high level of quality to be achieved time and time again.

Congratulations to our apprentice Brody Robinson for his outstanding achievement in being awarded Best Regional Apprentice, Best Carpentry Apprentice and Best Direct Indentured Apprentice. Brody is in the fourth year of his apprenticeship with Perkins; this is a fantastic outcome and is testament to Brody’s hard work and dedication. Perkins is extremely proud to have assisted in this achievement, from all of the team, congratulations Brody and well done!

Perkins are also extremely pleased to have been awarded the Employer Trainer of the Year Award. This award recognises not just the well-established apprentice program but also the numerous traineeships being undertaken by our staff, the in-house discipline specific training sessions, the Leadership Training including the MBA’s Building Leadership Simulation Course, external skill development courses and general awareness training including Mates in Construction and Cultural Awareness sessions. This is a significant and comprehensive program which has been acknowledged and rewarded by the MBA with this award.