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Company News

Bushfire Centre of Excellence Opening

The Bushfire Centre of Excellence has reached PC! Marking a new era in bushfire management, the Karla Katitjin (meaning ‘fire knowledge’ in Noongar language) facility was officially opened by Premier Mark McGowan and Emergency Services Minister Francis Logan on Monday.

Proudly constructed by Perkins Builders, this new, purpose-built facility will bring together volunteer and career firefighters, bushfire practitioners, traditional land owners, researchers and scientists to share their bushfire management knowledge, skills and practices.

With an outstanding safety performance testament to the collaborative effort of all involved, Perkins would like to extend our sincere thanks to Department of Fire and Emergency Services, Department of Finance, SITE Architecture StudioShire of Murray and of course our valued subcontractors and suppliers.

Congratulations and thank you once again to everyone involved on this fantastic project.


Photos courtesy of Department of Fire and Emergency Services.

Company News

Christmas Closure

2020 has been a year of adversity; from bushfires to pandemics, lockdowns and restrictions on industry. If the year has taught us anything, it is that with a team mindset, hard work and determination we can overcome the challenges. It is for this reason we should look back at 2020 and celebrate our achievements.

At Perkins, our team has fundraised for bushfire stricken communities, adapted to new COVID safe work practices and continued to deliver an exceptional standard on all our of projects across WA.

We would like to thank our valued Clients, subcontractors, suppliers and of course, our dedicated team for their support over the year.

Our offices will be closed from COB today until January 4th for a well-deserved break.

From the Perkins Builders family to yours, we wish you a safe and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Company News

Turning of the Sod at Donnybrook TCRP

Last week we celebrated the official start of the Donnybrook Town Centre Revitalisation project with a turning of the sod ceremony, attended by Mick Murray, representatives from the Shire of Donnybrook Balingup and MCG Architects.

This great project in the heart of the South West will breathe new life into the heritage listed Donnybrook Goods Shed and create a showcase of the region’s heritage and connect both sides of the iconic railway precinct.

We look forward to sharing the progress of this exciting project.

Company News

Western Power Pinjarra Opening

The Western Power Depot at Pinjarra has reached PC! Officially opened by Minister for Energy Bill Johnson, the new, purpose built depot enhances the capabilities of Western Power in the Peel Region and will provide enhanced customer response times and improve employee safety.

This exceptional build is the result of a collaborative effort between Western Power, Perkins Builders, SPH architecture + interiorsStantecForth ConsultingResolve Group Limited, the Shire of Murray and of course, all our valued subcontractors and suppliers. The outstanding safety performance on this project is a further testament to all.

Congratulations and thank you once again to everyone involved on this fantastic project.

Community News

NAIDOC Week 2020

This week is NAIDOC Week for 2020. NAIDOC (National Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders Day Observance Committee) Week celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

This year’s theme for the week is “Always Was, Always Will Be”. Always Was, Always Will Be recognises that First Nations people have occupied and cared for this continent for over 65,000 years.

In support of NAIDOC Week, the Perkins Group of Companies will be celebrating in a number of ways in line with COVID-19 restrictions; we are encouraging all our staff and contractors to get involved and learn more during this important week in the calendar.

The Perkins Indigenous Engagement Plan recognises our achievements so far and outlining future goals towards Closing the Gap to Indigenous disadvantage can be viewed here.

Company News

Nation Safe Work Month

October is Safe Work Month, a time to make your commitment to improving safety and health in your workplace. For 2020 the theme for this year is Supporting Work Health and Safety through COVID-19.

In these unprecedented times, every business has had to adapt to new practices and procedures to reduce the risks and operate safely. At Perkins Builders, we have developed and implemented a range of initiatives to work consistently with the safety, social distancing, and hygiene measures that have been rolled out around the country.

We encourage our employees, subcontractors and all visitors to our sites and offices to have good hygiene; we have increased cleaning on every site and office (including deep cleans), we have increased the number of hand sanitising stations on site and have posters to educate on how to thoroughly wash and dry hands.

Perkins introduced physical distancing signs on all of our construction sites. These signs, custom made by our fabrication team in Bunbury, are made to size and clearly demonstrate the requirements.

In Western Australia, our restrictions have eased and life feels almost normal, but we must not become complacent. It is still important as ever to Support Work Health and Safety through COVID-19 and monitor our health.

At Perkins, we ask every employee and visitor to our sites and offices if they are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, if they have been, or have potentially been, exposed to a person who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 or is suspected to have COVID-19 (even if the person who is suspected to have COVID-19 has not yet been tested), or if they have undertaken any travel within the last 14 days. It is important to ask these questions to keep our workplace safe; Remember, if you feel unwell, stay at home and get tested.

Reach out to your friends, family and colleagues; stay connected even though you may be physically apart. A simple phone call or text message can all the difference.

No matter the industry, we all have a responsibility to create a safe workplace for everyone. We’re in this together.

Community News

R U OK? Day

Thursday 10th September is all about mental health awareness.

It is R U OK Day, it is MATES in Construction Fly the Flag Day and it is World Suicide Prevention Day.

The day reminds and encourages everyone to take the time out and ask “R U OK?”, to check in on our friends, family and colleagues, remembering there is more to say after R U OK? Not just on the day, but every day.

Across our sites and offices we have held tool box talks and other events to raise awareness and start the flow of conversation. You don’t have to be an expert to keep the conversation going when someone says they’re not OK. By knowing what to say you can help someone feel supported and access appropriate help long before they’re in crisis, which can make a really positive difference to their life.

The steps are simple:
1. Ask R U OK?
2. Listen
3. Encourage Action
4. Check In

To learn more about R U OK? Day and the steps to take to keep the conversation going, please visit thier website.

If you or someone you know are struggling, please seek help. There are organisations available 24/7 and there is always someone willing to listen.

Mates in Construction – 1300 642 111.
Lifeline – 13 11 14.
Beyond Blue – 1300 22 4636
MensLine Australia – 1300 78 99 78
Kids Helpline – 1800 55 1800

Remember, a conversation could change a life.

Company News

Perkins awarded DFES Emergency Services Centre in Collie

Perkins Builders are pleased to announce we have been awarded the contract for the construction of the new DFES Emergency Services Centre in Collie. The multi-purpose facility will be officially named the Koolinup Emergency Services Centre and is the State’s first regionally based Level 3 Incident Control Centre, which will be activated during major emergency incidents in the South-West region, including bushfires.

The Koolinup Emergency Services Centre will support career and volunteer emergency services personnel, including firefighters and SES in Collie and the South-West region. The centre will also include an emergency driver training school for DFES and other State Government volunteers and staff, as well as providing a regional fleet management capability that will support management of the high fire season fleet as it cycles through the Collie Facility between north and south high threat periods.

Perkins are excited to be involved in this great local project, which will create a large number of local jobs during construction.

A turning of the sod was held on 1st September and attended by Emergency Services Minister Francis Logan and Collie-Preston MLA Mick Murray, Aboriginal Elders and senior representatives from DFES and Perkins Builders.

To see the full media statement from the Government of Western Australia, please click here.


Community News

Clontarf Students’ Site Tour

Recently, Perkins Builders were pleased to host two year 12 students from the Newton Moore Clontarf Academy on a tour of one of our construction sites in Donnybrook. The students were shown around by our Site Manager Jayden, who started his career with Perkins as an apprentice carpenter (and is almost celebrating his 20 years of service with us!).

It was a really exciting experience for the boys, with Jayden giving them a fantastic insight into the full range of employment opportunities available within the construction industry and the potential careers we have on offer at Perkins, starting with Apprenticeships in Carpentry and Joinery.

Community News

Work Experience at Perkins

This term, Perkins Builders have welcomed local high school student Jack for work experience at our Bunbury Senior High School Cafeteria site. Partnered with a senior Site Manager and working along site Perkins 4th Year Apprentice Mitchell (pictured), Jack is gaining invaluable experience and insight into the construction industry and the career opportunities available.

Talk about work experience with a view!