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Perkins Builders are delighted to announce, our Project Manager Richard Bell won at the Australian Institute of Building National Awards. Richard was awarded with a National Professional Excellence Winner for Commercial Construction $1m – $25m for his work on the Bannister Downs Dairy Creamery. 

These awards celebrate and recognise the professional excellence of individual’s within the building and construction process focusing on how the project was built and to be recognised at a National level is an outstanding achievement.

Congratulations, Richard!

Company News


Perkins Builders are proud to announce our success at the Master Builders Western Australia Apprentice Awards, held in Perth on Friday 1st November.

We have always fostered a culture of safety and a thorough commitment to training the next generation of builders; to achieve formal recognition of this is fantastic.

Congratulations to Harley and to all of our staff for their involvement and support of these initiatives.

Company News


Yesterday, marked a milestone for the new Western Power Pinjarra Depot with Perkins Builders officially announced as the builder at the Turning of the Sod Ceremony.

Western Power’s CEO, Chairman and representatives were joined at the ceremony by Minister for Energy Bill Johnson, Member for Murray-Wellington Robyn Clarke, members from the Development WA Industrial Lands Authority, Shire of Murray and Perkins Builders.

The new $15m facility will service the Peel region, and is the second facility to be built under Western Power’s depot modernization program.














Monday, 7 October 2019
  • ​New $15 million-dollar facility to service the energy needs of Peel region
  • Major construction project for the Peel region, which will create approximately 180 construction jobs

Energy Minister Bill Johnston is pleased to announce that construction of a new $15 million Western Power depot, to service the Peel region, has commenced.

The Minister attended a sod turning ceremony at the new depot today, which will consolidate the Mandurah and Waroona Depots and improve service efficiency in the region.

The facility will be built on a three-hectare lot at Pinjarra Industrial Estate, which was purchased through LandCorp’s Industrial Lands Authority for its strategic location fronting Munday Avenue and access to major road networks.

Local South-West construction firm Perkins has been awarded the construction contract.

Perkins recently constructed the Vasse Depot, which was recognised as the best new South-West industrial building in the $10 million to $20 million category by Master Builders Western Australia this year.

The Pinjarra Depot will replicate the successful layout of the Vasse Depot and provide dedicated areas for high voltage testing, fleet maintenance, operational workshops and environmental management areas.

Construction is expected to take 10 months and crews will transfer to the new facility in mid-2020. The amalgamation will not impact staff numbers.

Comments attributed to Energy Minister Bill Johnston:

“Consolidating Waroona and Mandurah into one facility will give Western Power employees greater efficiency to deliver their ongoing work program in the growing Peel region.

“This is a fit-for-purpose facility, built from scratch, using insights from the crews with the sole purpose of continuing the delivery of high-quality services to Western Power customers.

“Emergency response crews in the Peel region answered around 5,000 calls following storms and other unplanned events last financial year.

“This new facility will allow crews to continue that response in all weather and be able to load and prepare equipment in protected areas before heading to the field.”

Comments attributed to Lands Minister Ben Wyatt:

“The Pinjarra Industrial Estate provides the perfect launching point for Western Power crews who need to mobilise quickly for emergencies and also deliver network upgrades and carry out maintenance.

“The estate sits at a mid-point between Perth and Bunbury and also allows rapid access into the growing Peel Region.

“The relocation of Western Power services to the Pinjarra Industrial Estate is just another example of the efficiencies of the newly formed Industrial Lands Authority, an election commitment of the McGowan Government.”

Energy Minister’s office – 6552 6700 | Lands Minister’s office – 6552 5900

Company News


Perkins Builders are excited to announce we have been awarded the contract for the South West’s newest aged care facility, Cape Care Dunsborough.

This will be the first aged care facility for the rapidly-growing Dunsborough community, and will comprise an 80-bed residential care facility for people with high physical needs in a dementia-enabling environment, palliative care, 21 independent living apartments with complimentary and allied health services, new premises for the Dunsborough Country Women’s Association (CWA), a playground, café and landscaped gardens.

Please see full media release from Cape Care below.

Company News


The Minister for Police, Michelle Roberts MLA, officially turned the first sod of the $86m Armadale Courthouse and Police Complex on 24 September 2019 accompanied by representatives of the City of Armadale, West Australian Police Force, Department of Justice and Perkins Builders.

This facility is a joint venture between Department of Justice and West Australian Police Force. Perkins is proud to have been awarded the contract which will commence on site in October 2019.

Community News


The Perkins Group of Companies was proud to sponsor WA Business News’ Food for Thought, Women in Business Breakfast, held this morning at the Hyatt Regency in Perth.

The Food for Thought series is a celebration of the myriad of achievements by WA’s extraordinary businesswomen and a source of inspiration for women in business presented in a unique platform to connect and engage in a relaxed atmosphere, outside the usual workplace environment.

“Each of the speakers told their story and explained the challenges they have overcome to get to where they are today. A lot of the challenges were ones that we as females face at some point in our careers so it was fantastic to see and learn how these have been overcome. It was very insightful and inspiring and has provided some great conversation topics to bring back to the workplace”

Company News

MBA Business Leadership Awards

The Perkins Group of Companies are delighted to announce we were presented with the National Business Leadership Award for a Large Commercial Construction Company – Annual Turnover over $50M, at the Master Builders Association of Australia Business Leadership awards in Melbourne on 22nd August.

These awards recognize excellence in best practice, improvement initiatives, innovation, industry leadership and corporate social responsibilities within a business. The awards validate and celebrate the businesses which are leading the way in best practice and whom have genuinely instilled this objective into their long-term business strategy. The awards also aim to inspire businesses in the building and construction industry, large and small, to make excellence in best practice the foundation and mission of their brand.




Company News


Today, is R U OK Day and we’d like to encourage everyone to get involved and ask R U OK?

R U OK’s vision is a world where we’re all connected and are protected from suicide. Their mission is to inspire and empower everyone to meaningfully contact with people around them and support anyone struggling with life.

Today, Mates in Construction are Flying the Flag for suicide prevention, in support of R U OK Day.

Perkins Builders are involved. We’re flying the flag for MIC. We’re asking our coworkers and those around us R U OK?

We challenge you, not only today, but whenever you notice something out of the ordinary to ask R U OK?


Company News

2019 Annual Company Celebration

Last weekend, The Perkins Group of Companies held our Annual Company Celebration. This event is our chance to say thank you to our amazing staff and their partners, for all their hard work, their dedication to our business and of course, some downtime to celebrate the success’ of the past year.

The musically gifted within our ranks surprised us with a performance and we celebrated some exciting milestones, with presentations for our amazing staff whom have reached 10 years, 15 years and even a 20 years of service!

To all our staff and their families, congratulations and thank you!


Community News

Wirrpanda Experience 2019

Earlier this month, Perkins Project Manager Mick had the opportunity to join the Wirrpanda Foundation and West Coast Eagles for 5 days on the Wirrpanda Remote Regional Experience in the state’s Pilbara region. The purpose of the trip was in support of the Wirrpanda Remote School Attendance Strategy Program and to engage with the local children in a number of activities.

Here is Mick’s full report on the experience:

Day 1

After arriving in Karratha mid-afternoon we were straight on the bus to Point Samson to meet up with Wirra Kids from Wickham Primary for an afternoon engagement with the community comprising of cricket, soccer and of course footy followed by a BBQ. On the bus journey we were advised we should expect to be interrogated by the kids as they will want to know everything about us. Shortly after our introduction and as the sport commenced for the afternoon the rapid fire questions came our way. After a solid 2hrs of sport and interrogation the first beer of the evening was well deserved.

 Day 2

All aboard for a casual 3hr bus ride from Karratha to Onslow where we would be based for the next three days. Arriving shortly after lunch it was an afternoon full of community activities. First up was 3×3 basketball with primary school kids followed by dodgeball with high school kids at the Onslow Multi- Purpose Centre. The adults were evenly split across two teams and it was game on right from the first whistle blow. The high school kids turned up to play and were super competitive, the adults were clearly the primary targets. If you couldn’t dodge multiple balls purposely thrown at you. Like Neo dodges bullets in the matrix you found yourself watching from the side lines very quickly with a complimentary sledge. Last item on the itinerary for day two was sunset footy with the West Coast Eagles at Onslow Primary. Over the next 2 hours it was skills and drills clinic for the Onslow community mostly the kids with parent’s onlooking along with a special guest visit from Rick the Rock the Eagles Mascot which sent the kids into an absolute frenzy for photos and Eagles merchandise giveaways.

Day 3

Another day another bus trip, this time heading out to Peedamulla Cattle Station for a cultural experience. Peedamulla meaning ‘plenty water’ In local Aboriginal language, and is managed by traditional owners Preston and Caroline Parker. It is approximately 226,000 Hectares. Peedamulla is one of five cattle stations purchased by the Federal Government and land titles signed over to the Indigenous communities for operation in the late 1970’s, a very significant milestone and one that many Pilbara Indigenous communities are proud of. Preston was our guide throughout our time on the station and was never short of a yarn offering plenty of insight to his elders of the land before, land traditions, Aboriginal law and ceremonies. I walked away with a greater appreciation and understanding of our indigenous culture.  Our time at Peedamulla was nearing to an end, leaving just one more thing left to do and that was the culinary experience. Caroline and her Grandmother Doris had been preparing lunch during our tour of the station. On the menu was traditionally cooked Kangaroo Tail Stew with Dampier. The kangaroo was cooked in the ground prior to making the stew and needless to say it was cooked to perfection, far better than my attempt with Kangaroo purchased from Woolworths which resulted in the smoke alarm cheering me on. After demolishing two rounds of stew it was time to head back to Onslow for the Passion of the Pilbara Festival. The bus trip back to Onslow took a slight detour through ‘Old Onslow’. In the earlier 1900’s the federal government decide to locate the entire town closer to the water. This was done to prevent the town from being blasted regularly by cyclones, and there are only a few structures which partially remain being the prison and the  police station. Bi-annually BHP and Chevron in conjunction with a few other sponsors cater for a community festival (Passion of Pilbara) comprised of live musical acts, rides and amusement which is all free of charge, no paying for rides or side shows which drew a fairly large crowd both nights along with the inaugural fishing comp with an attractive first prize of $10k for the largest Spanish mackerel caught. This certainly had the community talking and plenty of spectators at evening weigh-ins.

Day 4

No bus ride to day, Awesome! Day 4 was all about reaching out to the Onslow Local Community and spreading the word of the Wirrpanda Foundation at the Passion of the Pilbara Festival final day. Bump in was 10.30am until 4pm to set up our mini stall offering showbags of Wirrpanda merchandise, handball or kick footy with Troy Cook or make you own indigenous magnets at the art and craft table provided. The magnets and footy passing kicking proved to be very popular and drew a reasonable crowd steadily throughout the day resulting in being able to see quite a few familiar faces from the previous day’s activities offering that next level of in-depth social engagement and interaction with the indigenous community.

 Day 5 

One last bust trip back to Karratha airport to get our flight home with a quick stop into Dampier. After seeing the movie Red Dog I was excited to see the statue in person and read the narrative posters.

 To conclude, getting amongst the community for 5 days has significantly increased my awareness, knowledge and understanding of the indigenous community .