BP Muchea Artwork

The BP Truck Stop artwork at Muchea was the result of a strong collaboration between Harvis (Developer), BP and Rampage (Client) and Perkins Builders wanting to recognise the traditional owners of the land and to commemorate the cultural significance of the site.

UDLA in partnership with Beverley Port-Louis and Diane Joyce-Yappo were engaged by Perkins Builders to facilitate an Aboriginal led design process for an interpretive artwork reflecting the cultural significance of the Muchea area to Yuat Nyoongar people and all people of the Nyoongar nation. Nyoongar artist Kylie Graham facilitated a workshop session with Aboriginal girls from the Tree of Life program to produce a series of drawings developed through conversations with and guidance from Nyoongar elders and leaders May McGuire, Peter Phillips, Barry McGuire, June Headland and Suzanne Yappo.

The artwork is made of three curved steel panels which embodies an interpretive theme that reflects the birthing site, Wargyl and Water, Flora and Fauna, the cultural significance of the surrounding area with a locally sourced rammed-earth base providing a natural feel as well as representing the understanding of an ochre pit that was known to the area through the wavy red gravel and limestone finish.