Community News

Community News

R U OK? Day & Mates in Construction Fly the Flag Day

The month of September is an important time for us to focus on the mental health and well-being of those around us both at work and at home and ask Are you Ok?

R U OK Day & Mates in Construction Fly the Flag Day are held on Thursday 14th of September and World Suicide Prevention Day Sunday 10th of September.

To encourage conversation Perkins  conducted toolbox talks on all of our projects at 7am on Thursday 14th of September.


Life presents all of us at some stage with challenging circumstances that can make us feel overwhelmed, unsure or unsettled. When that happens it’s comforting to know that there is someone we can talk to who can help us through it. On R U OK Day we remind everyone that every day is the day to think about who you might need to check in with.

Never be scared to start the conversation and ask someone Are You Ok?


R U OK Poster #2


Congratulations to the team at the Bunbury Regional Hospital on the Opening of the Wellbeing Community Garden. This space provides patients and staff alike a zone to find solace and peace amongst the hustle and bustle of the hospital and was made possible by the kind donations of a number of local South West businesses, including Perkins Builders.

Our contribution to the garden was the supply and install of the beautiful winding deck; thank you to Todd Wallrodt and his team for their diligent efforts in completing the works. The finished result is outstanding and we hear they taught the onlookers a thing or two about how to build a deck!

We hope the space is enjoyed for many years to come.

Bunbury Regional Hopsital Wellbeing Community Garden

Community News

Clontarf Academy Site Visit

On Friday 29th October, year 10 and 11 students from the Newton Moore Clontarf Foundation Academy visited Perkins’ Anderson Neurological and Development Services project in Bunbury. The students were given a tour of the project by Site Managers where they got to see the excavation and beginning of the pools Commercial Aquatics Australia are installing, learn about the dewatering process, see structural steel installation, and envision the completed building. Following the site tour, members of the Perkins team spoke to the students about the pathways into the construction industry and opportunities available; hopefully we have some future construction workers in our midst!

Community News

Slammers Sponsorship

Perkins Builders is very pleased to announce that we have committed to be the major sponsor of the South West Slammers for 2021. The Slammers is the premier basketball club in the southwest and represents the region in the State Basketball League in both the male and female divisions. Perkins Builders has been providing employment in the region since 1965 and is now well respected as a major player in the broader WA construction industry making this partnership the perfect match.

The South West Slammers is recognised as providing a strong pathway for youth to develop their skills. Dan Perkins, Perkins Builders Managing Director, says “Perkins has been endeavouring to provide opportunities  in the construction industry for individuals  and businesses to follow their dreams and to realise their potential. We believe this partnership with the South West Slammers will enable both organisations to work together to increase those opportunities and to achieve those goals.”

Community News

NAIDOC Week 2020

This week is NAIDOC Week for 2020. NAIDOC (National Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders Day Observance Committee) Week celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

This year’s theme for the week is “Always Was, Always Will Be”. Always Was, Always Will Be recognises that First Nations people have occupied and cared for this continent for over 65,000 years.

In support of NAIDOC Week, the Perkins Group of Companies will be celebrating in a number of ways in line with COVID-19 restrictions; we are encouraging all our staff and contractors to get involved and learn more during this important week in the calendar.

The Perkins Indigenous Engagement Plan recognises our achievements so far and outlining future goals towards Closing the Gap to Indigenous disadvantage can be viewed here.

Community News

R U OK? Day

Thursday 10th September is all about mental health awareness.

It is R U OK Day, it is MATES in Construction Fly the Flag Day and it is World Suicide Prevention Day.

The day reminds and encourages everyone to take the time out and ask “R U OK?”, to check in on our friends, family and colleagues, remembering there is more to say after R U OK? Not just on the day, but every day.

Across our sites and offices we have held tool box talks and other events to raise awareness and start the flow of conversation. You don’t have to be an expert to keep the conversation going when someone says they’re not OK. By knowing what to say you can help someone feel supported and access appropriate help long before they’re in crisis, which can make a really positive difference to their life.

The steps are simple:
1. Ask R U OK?
2. Listen
3. Encourage Action
4. Check In

To learn more about R U OK? Day and the steps to take to keep the conversation going, please visit thier website.

If you or someone you know are struggling, please seek help. There are organisations available 24/7 and there is always someone willing to listen.

Mates in Construction – 1300 642 111.
Lifeline – 13 11 14.
Beyond Blue – 1300 22 4636
MensLine Australia – 1300 78 99 78
Kids Helpline – 1800 55 1800

Remember, a conversation could change a life.

Community News

Clontarf Students’ Site Tour

Recently, Perkins Builders were pleased to host two year 12 students from the Newton Moore Clontarf Academy on a tour of one of our construction sites in Donnybrook. The students were shown around by our Site Manager Jayden, who started his career with Perkins as an apprentice carpenter (and is almost celebrating his 20 years of service with us!).

It was a really exciting experience for the boys, with Jayden giving them a fantastic insight into the full range of employment opportunities available within the construction industry and the potential careers we have on offer at Perkins, starting with Apprenticeships in Carpentry and Joinery.

Community News

Work Experience at Perkins

This term, Perkins Builders have welcomed local high school student Jack for work experience at our Bunbury Senior High School Cafeteria site. Partnered with a senior Site Manager and working along site Perkins 4th Year Apprentice Mitchell (pictured), Jack is gaining invaluable experience and insight into the construction industry and the career opportunities available.

Talk about work experience with a view!

Community News

Clontarf Academy Basketball Carnvial

Perkins Builders were delighted to be able to participate in a Basketball Carnival for Year 7-8 Clontarf Academy students from across the State on Friday 7th August. Between their games, the students had an opportunity to talk to representatives from Perkins to learn a little bit about what we do and the construction industry. They were also treated to a close up look at the recently completed UWA E-Zone Building through the use of Virtual Reality goggles and timelapse video.  During the lunch time break, there was a shooting competition which our HSE Officer Luke displayed some great basketball skills.

Community News

Clontarf Academy Employment Forum

Last week, Perkins Builders attended the annual Newton Moore Clontarf Academy Employment Forum for Year 9-12 Clontarf students; this event was held at the school and was attended by representatives from a number of partner companies, including Perkins’ HR Manager and Marketing Coordinator. Students participated in a Q&A session, discussing their experiences with the Clontarf Foundation and a number of fun activities to engage with partners including a mini golf shoot out and a tour of the Clontarf rooms. It was also a great opportunity to discuss future employment opportunities with Perkins, and spend some one-on-one time with our HR Manager to learn job interview skills.