Mates in Construction Industry Partnership

Did you know that every year, 190 Australians working in the construction industry take their own lives? Or that construction workers are six times more likely to die from suicide than an accident at work?

As one of Western Australia’s largest regional builders, we understand more than most what it is to be an important component of a network in which staff, subcontractors and suppliers are all part of the broader community. We believe our people are and always will be our greatest asset, which is why we choose to invest in their future, their health, their safety and their wellbeing through a number of different programs; it’s why we have chosen to partner with MATES in Construction.

Mates in Construction is a charity who aims to reduce the high level of suicide among Australian Construction Workers. The MATES program is based on the simple idea that suicide is everyone’s business. If the building and construction industry in Australia is to improve the mental health and well-being of workers and reduce suicide, then it cannot be left to mental health professionals: everyone in the industry must play their part.

This partnership with Mates is a natural progression of our long time support of the fantastic role that Mates in Construction undertakes on behalf of all in the industry and reflects the importance Perkins places on the health of all in the construction community.