R U OK? Day & Mates in Construction Fly the Flag Day
The month of September is an important time for us to focus on the mental health and well-being of those around us both at work and at home and ask Are you Ok?
R U OK Day & Mates in Construction Fly the Flag Day are held on Thursday 14th of September and World Suicide Prevention Day Sunday 10th of September.
To encourage conversation Perkins conducted toolbox talks on all of our projects at 7am on Thursday 14th of September.
Life presents all of us at some stage with challenging circumstances that can make us feel overwhelmed, unsure or unsettled. When that happens it’s comforting to know that there is someone we can talk to who can help us through it. On R U OK Day we remind everyone that every day is the day to think about who you might need to check in with.
Never be scared to start the conversation and ask someone Are You Ok?
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