Social Distancing

Within the construction industry, the wider community and our nation as a whole, we are facing unprecedented and uncertain times amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic. Perkins Builders are committed to ensuring the health and safety of each and every person on our sites and at our offices.

We have developed and implemented a range of initiatives to work consistently with the safety, social distancing, hygiene measures that have been rolled out around the country. One initiative we are extremely proud of in the installation of Social Distancing signs at every Perkins site (including our Eduwest joint venture sites with Badge Construction).

Built by our talented Bunbury fabrication team, these signs clearly display, to scale, social distancing requirements. We are extremely proud of our staff for championing these new initiatives; and to all our valued clients, subcontractors, suppliers and consultants for their understanding and cooperation as we all adapt to this new way of business.